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Green$creen combines IoT and blockchain to accurately track vehicle emissions, minting RED tokens as 'environmental debt'. This groundbreaking approach promotes transparency and incentivizes emission reduction, reshaping carbon management.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

WalletConnect - Innovation Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Arbitrum - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

MetaMask - Best Dapp for Snaps 1st place

Project Description

Introduction to Green$creen

Green$creen is an avant-garde project that seamlessly integrates Internet of Things (IoT) technology with blockchain to revolutionize the way carbon emissions from vehicles are tracked and managed. This project is a significant stride in the global battle against climate change, focusing on gathering precise, real-time emission data.

Technical Structure and Usage

Advanced IoT Sensors: Utilizing state-of-the-art IoT sensors like MQ135 and SHT10, Green$creen accurately measures carbon emissions directly from vehicles. This method is a substantial improvement over traditional estimation techniques, providing more reliable and precise data.

Blockchain for Data Security and Transparency: The emission data is securely logged on the Ethereum blockchain. This method not only safeguards the data but also ensures its transparency, setting new standards in environmental accountability.

The RED Token System and the Concept of Environmental Debt

Innovating with RED Tokens: The core innovation of Green$creen lies in its creation of RED tokens. These tokens, minted on the blockchain, represent the carbon emissions of vehicles and symbolize 'environmental debt'. This introduction of negative value into the crypto-economic space is a pioneering concept, adding a unique perspective to the industry.

Public Accountability and Incentivization: The visibility of RED tokens on the blockchain ensures public accountability for carbon emissions. This transparency motivates companies and individuals to reduce and offset their emissions promptly, fostering a culture of proactive environmental responsibility.

The Established Role of GREEN Tokens in Carbon Offset Markets

While Green$creen's primary focus is on RED tokens, the role of GREEN tokens in existing carbon credit marketplaces like Toucan and FlowCarbon is pivotal:

  • GREEN Tokens as Carbon Absorption Measures: GREEN tokens, which are already operational in existing markets, represent carbon offsetting or absorption activities. They act as a counter to emissions and signify positive environmental contributions.

  • Synergy with RED Tokens: The established market and concept of GREEN tokens complement Green$creen’s RED tokens. This synergy between the two types of tokens creates a balanced approach to carbon emissions, where RED tokens highlight the problem (emissions) and GREEN tokens offer the solution (offsets).

Integration with Global Emission Standards

Green$creen’s technology aligns well with the evolving global emission standards, such as India's BS6.2. This standard requires vehicles to be equipped with advanced sensors to monitor emissions, making Green$creen's technology a potentially vital addition. This integration not only supports compliance with stringent emission norms but also promotes broader scalability and regulatory acceptance.


Green$creen stands at the forefront of environmental innovation, introducing a novel concept in the crypto-economic domain with its RED tokens representing environmental debt. This approach enhances transparency in carbon emissions tracking, while synergizing with existing markets for carbon offsets. By aligning with global emission standards like BS6.2, Green$creen positions itself as a scalable, adaptable, and essential tool in the fight against climate change, paving the way for a more sustainable future.

How it's Made

Green$creen employs an advanced pairing of the MQ135 sensor with a dedicated temperature and moisture module (SHT10). This combination significantly enhances accuracy over using the MQ135 alone. The MQ135 sensor excels in detecting a range of gases, including carbon dioxide, crucial for assessing vehicle emissions. The addition of the temperature and moisture module allows for more precise readings by factoring in environmental variables that can affect gas concentration measurements.

Core Hardware and Software Technologies:

  1. MQ135 and Temperature & Moisture Sensors (SHT 10): These sensors form the basis for accurate and reliable environmental data collection.

  2. ESP32 Microcontroller – The Operational Core: The ESP32 microcontroller processes the data from sensors, acting as the central unit for on-device operations.

3.Chainlink Integration: Chainlink Functions are utilized for securely fetching data onto the blockchain. Chainlink CCIP aids in cross-chain minting, expanding the project’s capabilities to networks like Arbitrum.

4.Real-Time Notifications: Push Protocol and Metamask Snaps are employed to notify users about token activities, enhancing user engagement and transparency.

  1. Wallet Connect for Blockchain Interactions: This feature ensures a seamless and secure connection between users’ digital wallets and the blockchain network.

  2. User-Friendly Hardware Design: The hardware is designed for simplicity, requiring only a single click for operations after initial setup.

Languages, Frameworks and Tools Used: C++ with PlatformIO, NextJs+ReactJS, Javascript, Solidity, DaisyUI, Hardhat, Remix, ngrok, ExpressJS

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