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Use ChatGPT and Web3 updated knowledge base to help L2 dev productivity and boost ecosystem


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🏊 Mode — Prize Pool

Project Description

Use ChatGPT and Web3 updated knowledge base to help L2 dev productivity and boost the ecosystem.

1. Defining Objectives and Scope

Challenge: The L2 chains are new and evolving rapidly, which can overwhelm newcomers and experts. Limitation of Current Tools: ChatGPT doesn't provide the most recent two years of knowledge. Solution: I built ChatGPT with a curated knowledge base to help developers to get more productivity and efficiency and grow our ecosystem for L2.

  • Target Audience: L2 developers, enthusiasts, and anyone interested in the decentralized technology ecosystem.(done)

2. How it works

  • **Streamlit Python allow fast app dev
  • **Scrape github L2 OP, base and mode tech docs as quick PoC
  • **Use LangChain doc/files embedding and OpenAI Text-embedding-ada-002 model
  • **Use ChatGPT 3.5 base model
  • **Use NFT badge to auth the access to query front-end

How it's Made

  • **Streamlit Python allow fast app dev
    • **Scrape github L2 OP, base and mode tech docs as quick PoC
    • **Use LangChain doc/files embedding and OpenAI Text-embedding-ada-002 model
    • **Use ChatGPT 3.5 base model
    • **Use NFT badge to auth the access to query front-end
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