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Inspired by ChatGPT Code generator and AutoGPT, GPTMud is a simple MUDv2 module(?) using LangChainJS tools and agents setup that makes it easy to test and to create autonomous ai bots that respond via natural language and/or to reason, plan and execute in an autonomous way.


Created At

Autonomous Worlds

Project Description

Inspired by ChatGPT Code generator and AutoGPT, GPTMud is a simple MUDv2 module(?) using LangChainJS tools and agents setup that makes it easy to test and to create autonomous ai bots that respond via natural language and/or to reason, plan and execute in an autonomous way.

This is an ambitous idea to utilise LangchainJS by bulding tools that queries and react to state changes in MudV2. I believe this is a very exciting way to explore autonomous AI agents and what better system the MudV2 to do this!

Ideally at it's completion it will have:

Generate MUD tool which will use OpenAI Code Generation and Completion to generate tools that the GPTMud Agent can use to solve problems in MUD

Starter tools that can be used as a starting point:

A tool to get the position of the player A tool to move the player in a given direction A tool to read the position of anything of interest e.g. other players or objects A tool to read players health A driver bot.js that can be run to test the tools either one by one or as a whole by asking for commands in natural language

How it's Made

I was inspired by AutoGPT and autonomous AI Agent so what better way to apply to to MUD v2 autonomous world!

The MUDv2 system basically is endowed with autonomous LangchainJS agent execution pipeline by using natural language. Agent can reason and use tools that are assigned or given to them to solve certain problems.

I think I am not that far away from completion for a full demo given a bit more time. In the meantime if anyone wants to help me take it further, please let me know!

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