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GPT-Loot is an On Chain AI Loot Generation Platform. Generate loot from any theme - prehistoric to cyberpunk. With your loot you can deploy NFTs, share your loot with others and earn fees when you users mint your loot.


Created At

ETHOnline 2021

Winner of

Chainlink Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

GPT-Loot is an on-chain loot generation platform. Users can can enter a theme, which can be anything. Based on your theme, GPT-Loot will generate organized loot sets relating to your theme. With your generated loot you can: Automatically deploy your own NFT loot contract from your generated loot and mint, trade and show off your loot. You can also add your generated loot a global loot contract that holds many different loot sets. When users mint loot from your loot set, you'll receive part of the minting fee.

How it's Made

This project uses the OpenAI Template Repo:


-Brownie EVM framework for deployment and testing

-Chainlink node, oracle and external adapter services for calling the API

-Solidity to write the smart contracts






-Chakra UI

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