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A decentralized identity and governance dashboard integrating World ID for secure verifiable participation in grant funding proposals and voting.


Created At

Superhack 2024

Winner of

Blockscout - Use Blockscout Block Explorer!

Prize Pool

Worldcoin - Best Use of World ID 3rd Prize

Project Description

Governaut, is a comprehensive decentralized governance and funding platform designed for the Superchain ecosystem, specifically tailored for the governance for funding projects. It consists of three main components:

GovernautGovernance: A sophisticated governance system for managing grant-related proposals. IdentityManager: A system for verifying user identities using World ID. Funding: A crowdfunding mechanism for creating and managing project grants.

This system allows for the creation, funding, and governance of projects in a decentralized manner, with built-in identity verification to ensure the integrity of participants. Here's a more detailed breakdown:

GovernautGovernance: Implements a governance system using OpenZeppelin's Governor contracts. Allows creation and voting on proposals by verified identities. Integrates with an IdentityManager to ensure only verified users can participate. Implements a system for approving proposers based on successful proposals.

IdentityManager: Uses World ID for identity verification, ensuring each user is unique. Stores mappings of verified user addresses. Implements a nullifier system to prevent double verification.

Funding: Allows the creation of funding grants for projects. Manages contributions to grants using ERC20 tokens. Implements a system for refunds if funding goals are not met. Allows project owners to claim funds in increments after successful funding.

GovernanceToken: An ERC20 token with additional features for governance. Includes burning, pausing, minting, and voting capabilities.

This project creates a full-fledged ecosystem for decentralized project funding and governance, with a strong emphasis on verified identity and secure token-based voting.

How it's Made

Technologies Used:

Foundry, Next.js Solidity 0.8.24: The primary language for smart contract development. OpenZeppelin Contracts: Extensively used for secure, standardized contract implementations. World ID: Integrated for decentralized identity verification. ERC20 Token Standard: Used for the governance token and funding contributions.

Key Components and Their Integration:

GovernautGovernance: Built on OpenZeppelin's Governor, GovernorSettings, GovernorCountingSimple, GovernorStorage, GovernorVotes, and GovernorVotesQuorumFraction. Custom modifications include integration with IdentityManager for voter verification. Implements a system for tracking and approving successful proposers.

IdentityManager: Integrates World ID's verification system. Uses ByteHasher for efficient byte array hashing. Implements a custom mapping system to track verified users.

Funding: Utilizes OpenZeppelin's Ownable and ReentrancyGuard for security. Implements a custom struct (FundingGrant) to manage individual grants. Uses mappings to track contributions and grant details. Integrates with the governance system to restrict grant creation to approved proposers.

GovernanceToken: Extends OpenZeppelin's ERC20 with additional features like ERC20Burnable, ERC20Pausable, ERC20Permit, and ERC20Votes. Implements custom logic for minting and pausing.

Notable Technical Aspects: Modular Design: The project is split into distinct contracts, each handling specific functionalities, allowing for easier upgrades and maintenance. Security Measures:

Use of ReentrancyGuard in the Funding contract to prevent reentrancy attacks. Implementation of pausing functionality in the governance token for emergency scenarios. Careful management of access controls using Ownable and custom modifiers.

Gas Optimization: Use of mappings for efficient data storage and retrieval. Implementation of incremental fund claiming to reduce gas costs for large transfers.

Integration of World ID: Demonstrates integration with an external identity verification system, showcasing interoperability with other blockchain protocols.

Custom Governance Mechanics: Implementation of a unique system for approving proposers based on successful proposals. Incremental fund claiming mechanism in the Funding contract to align with governance decisions.

Error Handling: Extensive use of custom errors for gas-efficient and informative error reporting.

Event Emissions: Thorough event emissions for off-chain tracking and front-end integration.

Flexible Design: The Funding contract allows for multiple grants per approved proposer, showcasing scalability.

Governaut demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of superchain development, combining various advanced concepts like governance, identity verification, and crowdfunding into a cohesive system. The use of OpenZeppelin contracts provides a solid foundation of security and standardization, while custom implementations add unique functionalities tailored to the specific needs of the superchain builders in need of financial support. The integration of World ID for identity verification is particularly notable, as it addresses the critical issue of Sybil resistance in decentralized systems. This, combined with the custom approval system for proposers, creates a robust framework for ensuring the integrity of the governance process. Overall, this Governaut showcases a well-thought-out approach to decentralized governance and funding, with careful attention to security, gas optimization, and user experience.

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