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Empowering Innovations, Uniting Communities: GoFund.Web3


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

GoFundWeb3 is a platform designed to revolutionize the way decentralized applications (DApps) and Web3 projects are funded. Here's a concise overview:

  1. Streamlining DApp Funding: It's a one-stop-shop for creators in the blockchain space, simplifying the process of raising funds for their DApp projects. This makes entering the blockchain space more accessible for a variety of creators.

  2. Democratizing Investments: The platform isn't just for big-time investors. It opens the doors for anyone interested in blockchain technology to invest in projects they believe in. This approach fosters a more inclusive investment environment.

  3. Transparency and Security: By leveraging blockchain technology, GoFundWeb3 ensures a high level of transparency in transactions. Smart contracts automate and secure the funding process, providing peace of mind for both creators and investors.

  4. Community-Driven Decisions: With an optional DAO component, GoFundWeb3 involves its community in the decision-making process. This feature upholds the decentralized ethos of blockchain technology.

  5. Regulatory Compliance Made Easy: The platform handles the complexities of compliance with KYC and AML regulations, smoothing out the legal hurdles for project creators.

  6. Nurturing Blockchain Innovation: GoFundWeb3 is more than just a funding platform; it's a hub for fostering innovation in the Web3 space, encouraging the development and growth of new technologies.


How it's Made

There were a lot challenges we faced in the past 36 hours, some of the major ones were:

  1. The Metamask SDK was not working on our machines due to some uknown error and had to find a work around to fix that by finding a work around for that.
  2. Allowing Dapps to select from a network (Multi Chain support) was a lot complicated to integrate in the frontend.
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