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Leveraging web3 to help people achieve their personal goals.


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

GoalQuest enables users to define goals and set aside a bounty to demonstrate commitment. Users can invite their family, friends, or even strangers to support their quest by contributing to the bounty. When the user achieves the goal, supporters are rewarded, else everyone looses.

Web3 is ideal to deliver on this concept, especially with attestation capabilities the reduce the likelihood of gaming the system.

How it's Made

The front-end is fairly straightforward, making use of React and the Wagmi library and allows for seamless connectivity with MetaMask wallets. The smart contract is programed using Solidity. We also use innovative features of the Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS). The UX, which is still under construction, will emphasize a sleek look and feel and plenty of Nounish graphics.

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