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**GnomesAndKnights** is a blockchain board game using NFC wallets and Apecoin for secure, immersive play. Convert Apecoin to in-game Aura, enjoy randomized items, dynamic duels, and team interactions. Encrypted smart contracts ensure fairness and transparency.


Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Winner of

Blockscout - Best use of Blockscout Block Explorer

Prize Pool

ApeCoin - Best Infra project built on ApeChain

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

GnomesAndKnights: A Blockchain-Based Strategy Game

Project Description:

GnomesAndKnights is an innovative blockchain-based strategy game that integrates cryptocurrency and smart contracts to offer a unique and secure gaming experience. Built on the concept of decentralized finance (DeFi), GnomesAndKnights leverages Apecoin, a popular cryptocurrency, to create a dynamic in-game economy and enhance player interactions.

Key Features:

  1. NFC Abstracted Wallet Integration: Players use an NFC abstracted wallet for seamless transactions within the game. This ensures a secure and user-friendly experience for handling Apecoin.

  2. Apecoin Utilization: Players use Apecoin to create their characters, represented as gnomes or knights. Apecoin is wrapped into in-game points known as "Aura," which can be used for various activities within the game.

  3. Random Item Distribution: The game employs a random generator to distribute items among players. This ensures a fair and unpredictable allocation of resources, enhancing the strategic element of the game.

  4. Encrypted Board State Contract: The PHENIX Encrypted Board State Contract manages the game's state, ensuring secure and transparent gameplay. This contract handles the initialization of the game board, tracking of player actions, and enforcement of game rules.

  5. Strategic Gameplay: Players engage in various activities, including duels with knights, teaming up with other players, and healing. The strategic use of Aura points and item management is crucial for success.

  6. Respawn Mechanism: In the event of a player's death, they can respawn if they have zero Aura points, maintaining game continuity and offering a chance for recovery and comeback.

Gameplay Flow:

  • Create Player with Apecoin: Players start by creating their characters using Apecoin.
  • Receive Aura Points: Apecoin is converted into Aura points for in-game use.
  • Random Item Distribution: Items are distributed randomly among players.
  • Initialize Game Board: The game board is set up for the players.
  • Engage in Duels: Players duel with knights and engage in other strategic actions.
  • Team Up and Heal: Players can connect with teammates to heal and strategize.
  • Respawn Mechanism: Players can respawn with zero Aura points, allowing them to re-enter the game.

Innovation and Impact:

GnomesAndKnights combines the thrill of strategy gaming with the advantages of blockchain technology, offering players a secure, transparent, and engaging experience. The use of Apecoin and smart contracts not only enhances the gameplay but also introduces players to the world of decentralized finance, creating a bridge between gaming and blockchain technology.


GnomesAndKnights stands out as a pioneering project in the gaming industry, leveraging blockchain technology to redefine player interaction and in-game economies. With its unique features and strategic gameplay, it promises to deliver an immersive and revolutionary gaming experience.

How it's Made

How GnomesAndKnights is Made

GnomesAndKnights is a blockchain-based strategy game that leverages modern technologies to create an engaging, secure, and decentralized gaming experience. Here's an overview of how it's made:

  1. Blockchain Integration:

    • Smart Contracts: The core of GnomesAndKnights is built on smart contracts, specifically the PHENIX Encrypted Board State Contract. These contracts manage the game logic, ensuring transparency and security. They handle tasks like player creation, item distribution, game state management, and rule enforcement.
    • Cryptocurrency Utilization: Apecoin is used as the in-game currency. Players use Apecoin to create their characters and perform various in-game actions. Apecoin is wrapped into in-game points called "Aura," which can be spent on activities within the game.
  2. NFC Abstracted Wallet:

    • User-Friendly Transactions: An NFC abstracted wallet is integrated to handle all in-game transactions. This makes it easy for players to use Apecoin without dealing with complex blockchain addresses and transaction fees directly.
    • Secure Interactions: The NFC wallet ensures secure and seamless interactions, providing players with a smooth experience for buying, selling, and exchanging in-game items and points.
  3. Game Mechanics:

    • Random Item Distribution: A random generator algorithm is implemented to distribute items among players. This ensures a fair and unpredictable allocation of resources, adding a strategic layer to the game.
    • Game Board Initialization: The game board is initialized through the smart contract, setting up the environment where players interact and compete.
    • Duel Mechanics: Players can engage in duels with knights and other players. The outcomes and rewards of these duels are managed by the smart contract, ensuring fairness and transparency.
    • Team Dynamics: Players can team up with others to heal and strategize. The game supports cooperative gameplay, where connecting with teammates can provide strategic advantages.
    • Respawn System: A respawn mechanism is in place for when players die. If a player has zero Aura points, they can respawn, allowing for continuous gameplay and opportunities to recover and strategize anew.
  4. User Interface and Experience:

    • Front-End Development: The game's user interface is developed using modern web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, ensuring a responsive and interactive experience.
    • Back-End Development: The back-end is powered by blockchain technology and smart contracts, with additional support from conventional server-side technologies to handle user authentication, game state tracking, and other auxiliary functions.
    • Graphics and Design: The game features appealing graphics and animations, designed to enhance the immersive experience. Tools like Unity or Unreal Engine can be used for rendering high-quality visuals.
  5. Security and Fairness:

    • Blockchain Security: By leveraging blockchain technology, GnomesAndKnights ensures that all transactions and game actions are secure and tamper-proof. The use of smart contracts guarantees that game rules are enforced without bias.
    • Randomization and Fair Play: The random generator for item distribution and game events is designed to be fair and unbiased, providing equal opportunities for all players.
  6. Development Tools and Frameworks:

    • Smart Contract Development: Tools like Solidity (for Ethereum-based contracts), Truffle, and Hardhat are used for developing and testing smart contracts.
    • Blockchain Integration: APIs and SDKs from blockchain platforms are used to integrate Apecoin transactions and other blockchain functionalities.
    • Front-End Frameworks: Libraries and frameworks such as React.js or Vue.js are used for building the game's user interface.
    • Game Engines: For advanced graphics and interactive gameplay, game engines like Unity or Unreal Engine may be used.


GnomesAndKnights is crafted by integrating blockchain technology with modern web and game development tools. It offers a seamless blend of strategic gameplay and decentralized finance, creating a unique and engaging experience for players. By leveraging smart contracts, cryptocurrency, and secure wallets, it ensures a fair, transparent, and immersive gaming environment.

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