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Gift Some Crypto

Gift Some Crypto is a platform that enables users to create gift cards in the form of NFTs. These NFTs actually have value because they can be redeemed for the underlying asset / token.

Gift Some Crypto

Created At


Winner of

🏊 Mode — Prize Pool

Project Description

Gift some Crypto provides users with a platform to seamlessly create NFT gift cards that have value, These gift cards can be actually be redeemed for the value they hold, when they are redeemed, the NFT is burnt and the corresponding ETH is transferred to the address that held the NFT. This NFT can be customized in terms of artwork, etc and all the NFT metadata is stored in IPFS. This enables immutability in terms of the NFT metadata. Using Gift some Crypto, people can easily gift some crypto in a very fun way as they are actually transferring NFTs.

How it's Made

This project uses React for the frontend. It uses Web3Modal for the wallet integration with Metamask. The contracts associated to this project are deployed on the Mode blockchain and were deployed using Hardhat and simulated with Remix IDE. The NFT contract used is ERC-721 but I do have plans of supporting other NFT standards & ERC-20 token redemption.

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