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GHOunicorns is a GHO facilitator that mints GHO using Uniswap v3 positions as collateral.


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Project Description

While using the web app, users send their positions to a vault as collateral and borrow GHO according to a liquidity ratio defined by the the asset in the pool with the lowest liquidity ratio. For example if a user is holding a WETH (75%), UNI (60%) position, the user will be able to borrow/mint 60% of the position's value in GHO.

After borrowing GHO, users can pay back their positions by using the frontend to send GHO, which is then burned after updating the amount of debt owing against the position.

At any point an arbitrageur can call the Payback function to check if the positions value times the liquidation ratio is less than the debt owed, and will be able to buy the position in GHO, paying off the remaining debt and claiming the position.

Currently users can currently mint GHO against positions containing exclusively USDC, USDT, and WETH, each of the Aave assets with a liquidity ratio of 75%. This can easily be adjusted to include new assets and pools.

How it's Made

The GHOunicorns frontend is deployed locally was created using NextJS and Connectkit, with lots of help from the Alchemy API and ethers.js. All each of tools were easy to use and made the frontend development experience a breeze.

The frontend interacts with our smart contracts on Sepolia testnet that were deployed using a mixture of Remix and Hardhat. We found Remix extremely helpful in contract deployment but the web app occasionally crashed, causing some delays. We used OpenZeppelin for their ERC20 and ERC721 interfaces to receive and manage the NFTs into the vault and many Uniswap interfaces to recieve the NFT, and calculate it's dollar value. These included Uniswapv3Factory, UniswapPool, NonFungiblePositionManager and math functions TickMath, FullMath, FixedPoint96.

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