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Ghost App

Ghost is a complete mobile app for GHO token, It offers a comprehensive GHO mobile experience for users.

Ghost App

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Project Description

Ghost is a mobile application that enables seamless trading, token swapping, and crowdfunding initiatives on the go. Users can easily trade on their mobile devices, including the ability to swap various tokens using GHO. Additionally, the app supports crowdfunding initiatives through the use of GHO tokens, with the assistance of lending and ENS integration. It offers a comprehensive GHO mobile experience for users.

How it's Made

We developed our mobile app using React Native, incorporating a JavaScript library for seamless integration with Aave protocol utilities. Within the app, we utilize the Fund.sol contract for crowdfunding initiatives, allowing users to vote using GHO tokens. Additionally, our Swap.sol contract facilitates token swapping with GHO. The core functionality is powered by our custom GHO library implemented in JavaScript.

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