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GhoPal is the fast and safe way to send money to anyone, anywhere. Harnessing the power of Safe auth kit, relay kit, GHO and Lens. GhoPal creates a frictionless way to create an account abstracted vault that allows anyone to send GHO to any address via their lens domain.


Created At

ETHGlobal Tokyo

Project Description

Letsa GhoPal!

GhoPal aims to solve the widespread frictions of carrying out on chain payments when it comes to gas, recipient identification and multiple wallets by using a familiar web2-style sign-up format and gasless transactions enabled by Safe! It makes identifying and paying anyone much easier by allowing a recipient to be discovered by their lens domain, making everyone identifiable by their web3 social profile, harnessing both Lens Protocol and GHO by Aave!

The product allows a user to spin up a gasless vault by harnessing Safe's Auth and Protocol kits, the user can then use this vault to send anyone some GHO by using their lens domain as an identifier and the transaction is gasless by harnessing Safe's Relay kit!

For a user the flow is as follows:

  1. User comes to the website and signs in by Web3 auth, they can use any social profile such as email, instagram, twitter, github and many more , they can also create their own lens domain directly in the website.

  2. User creates a safe (unless they already have one, in which case its automagically picked up) which will be used for gasless transactions on the GhoPal platform.

  3. User sends some GHO to their safe which they can use as their account to pay others. (unless they have done so already)

  4. User then enters a Lens domain, this is used to seamlessly retrieve the recipient of a certain amount of GHO specified by the user.

  5. Using Safe and Gelato Relays the GHO is sent to the recipient's wallet and the user doesn't need to pay any gas to send these tokens!

  6. You can see your past transactions and all the GHO you have distributed for friends, goods and services!

We are super excited to demo this project as we believe it will create a real impact to widespread payments throughout crypto.

How it's Made

The project uses multiple integrations to achieve its goals the app is entirely based in react and is handled client side, creating ultimate privacy and transparency.

Josh handled the auth kit and frontend Dan handled the frontend and design Jib handled the safe relay and payments Ashlyn handled the lens domain integrations

Its easiest to go step by step through each part of the user flow and how each integration has been used to unlock fast, safe and frictionless payments.

  1. The account creation system using the Safe auth kit basically uses the web3auth flow to generate an account for the user by taking advantage and using their current social profiles. Josh built this into the frontend and is fully usable. The lens integration for creating a lens account was done by Ashlyn and was done on eth-goerli and interacted directly with the smart contracts.
  2. Josh built the safe creation flow and used the protocol kit to do so taking advantage of the safe docs.
  3. The Lens domain is used in the recipient field and is used to get the address that is used for payments, this was done by Ashlyn and used the ownedBy field of the lens protocol .lens domain.
  4. A transaction is constructed using GHO as the token to send. Then the relay kit is used where the user is sponsored to have their funds sent to their desired recipient (syncWithFee could also be used here) but GHO is not currently enabled on the gelato relay fee oracle so cant be used for eth-less transactions which would be the ultimate choice for this product, however sponsoring the user is also great UX and makes the process much more seamless and accessible!
  5. The transactions are accessed via the gelato api to collect the tx hash and its details/status.
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