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ggQuest Hangman

MUD Hangman is a decentralized hangman game that leverages blockchain technology for secure and transparent gameplay.

ggQuest Hangman

Created At

Autonomous Worlds

Project Description

MUD Hangman Welcome to MUD Hangman, a blockchain-based hangman game built for the hackathon!

Overview MUD Hangman is a decentralized hangman game that leverages blockchain technology for secure and transparent gameplay. The game allows players to guess letters of randomly chosen words related to blockchain. The objective is to guess the word before making seven incorrect attempts. The game also tracks player scores and achievements on the blockchain.


  • Secure and transparent gameplay using blockchain technology.
  • Random selection of words from a predefined list of 200 blockchain-related words.
  • Players can guess letters to complete the word.
  • Maximum of seven incorrect attempts allowed per word.
  • Score tracking to keep a record of the number of words guessed correctly.
  • High score feature to encourage competition and track top players.
  • Peer-to-peer gameplay (planned) for multiplayer functionality.
  • Integration with oracles for generating word randomness (planned).


Clone the repository:

git clone Install the required dependencies using pnpm (make sure you have it installed): pnpm install

Run the game: pnpm start Usage Open the game in your preferred web browser.

Follow the on-screen instructions to play the game.

Guess letters to complete the word. You have a maximum of seven incorrect attempts per word. Try to guess the word before running out of attempts. Track your score and try to reach the top of the leaderboard.

How it's Made

Front End:

  • Typescript
  • React
  • Tailwind css
  • Daisy UI

Back End:

  • MUD

By using MUD we could create a fully on-chain version of Hangman in a weekend.

All actions are recorded on the blockchain:

  • The random words are generated by the blockchain
  • Each try is stored on chain
  • The score is on chain
  • The game state is on chain
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