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a cross-chain puzzle «nft-game» with trading abilities and rewards


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Project Description

gETHering is a decentralized platform that revolves around a simple yet captivating concept: single-pixel NFTs. Think of every pixel as an individual universe. Alone, they might not seem much, but when combined, they create something magnificent. The platform allows users to mint, trade, and merge these pixels to form unique NFT masterpieces mapped on the pixel mask. As trades occur, a dynamic treasury fills with an increasing with every block percentage from the sale, growing with each one. The climax? The owner of the ultimate, fully merged NFT can claim this treasury.

How it's Made

How It Was Made: Conceptualization: I started by visualizing the digital canvas, where every user holds a pixel, a building block. And all the users are colliding in a big fun gathering.

Smart Contracts with Solidity: The backbone of gETHering is its smart contract that manages the minting, merging, and trading of pixel NFTs. I integrated mechanisms to burn two NFTs upon a successful merge and mint a combined one. The treasury system was designed to take a cut from each trade and increase the percentage dynamically with every new block.

React Frontend: Developed a user-friendly interface using React. Integrated Web3 to connect the frontend with our Ethereum smart contracts. Features include viewing all minted pixels, initiating trades, and merging owned pixels.

Challenges: One of the main challenges was to manage the representing pixels via smart contract, generating randomness and merging mechanism efficiently, ensuring the older NFTs were burned, and the new one represented the combined state. Dynamically calculating the increasing percentage for the treasury based on the block height added complexity but was crucial for the platform's incentive model.

Tech stack: Backend solidity contract based on ERC721 and ERC2981 deployed on Optimism, Base and Zora intercommunicating via LayerZero foundry, anvil, remix

Frontend react, vite, tailwind, wagmi, rainbowkit, zustand chatgpt and claude :D

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