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Collect Nouns across the world and mint them Pokemon Go Style


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Project Description

This project is a native iOS app developed in Swift that allows the you to locate and mint Nouns scattered in your city. The idea is to give people a way to engage with Nouns and NFTs in the real world and make this treasure hunt game fun for anyone. Once a user is within 25m of a Noun on their map, they can mint the "Geo" Noun and have it show up in their wallet.

Future development goals are to add gating beyond location to mint the Nouns. For example, certain nouns could require you to have minted previous nouns before be able to mint them while other Nouns could require your heart rate (Tracked via apple watch) to have been elevated for the prior 30 minutes indicating that you have ran to the Noun - encouraging health and fitness.

How it's Made

SwiftUI front end relying most on Apple's MapKit for location based functionality. NFT smart contract developed via Remix. Deployed on Goerli. Metamask iOS SDK for integration of wallet connection and mint functionality.

The im was to enable geo - location based collection and mint of Geo Nouns around the world!

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