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GenerativeMIDIs is a project which generates MIDI data fully on-chain.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

GenerativeMIDIs is a project which generates MIDI data fully on-chain. It encodes MIDI raw data in solidity, then generates token URI in a contract.

There are so many generative music projects, but there is fewer fully on-chain generative music project. I think this is because of the difficulty encoding the music data in the smart contract. (not like SVG data)

This can be used for the template of a new kind of full-on-chain NFT project.

We can prove how the music is generated, and who built this logic. This is difficult in the current music industry without smart contract.

How it's Made

I researched how MIDI data works from this web page.

The code in solidity one by one to make it possible.

This coding is almost like generating raw binary MIDI data in solidity, so it was tough, but I successfully developed the simple MIDI data.

I used a polygon and IPFS for this project.

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