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GemGroove Music Minter

A Dapp used in conjunction with NFT.Storage that can be used to easily mint any file into an NFT.

GemGroove Music Minter

Created At


Winner of


🧙‍♂️ — Storage Wizard

Project Description

What I am presenting today is the first step of a tool that can be used by an individual to mint files and store files them on NFT.Storage. In order to stick with the theme of the Hackathon, the prototype I have here is geared towards songs which I refer to as a GemGroove. :) My initial idea with the project was to build an NFT minter which could be used to store important legal documents such as Wills and contracts. The type of documents that people typically keep in a fireproof safe in their home.

'Your Digital Fireproof Safe'

How it's Made

This project was programmed using Python and Solidity. During the process I used Remix to deploy the Smart Contract locally with Ganache and MetaMask.

I used Streamlit for the front-end simply because thats what I've worked with in the past.

NFT.Storage was a perfect tool for storing my files and converting them into a URI. At this stage of the project the user drops the files on to NFT.Storage and then uses the URI to point to the file that is to be minted.

My next step is to utilize NFT.Storage's API in order to allow storing and minting the file directly from my Dapp.

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