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Natural language interface for the Gearbox Protocol in the form of a Telegram bot, showcasing the power of Credit Accounts and Gearbots.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Gearbox - GearBot's Apprentice

Project Description

GearboxGPT is a natural language interface for the Gearbox Protocol built as a Telegram bot. This bot makes full use of Gearbox's Credit Accounts and its latest Gearbots to completely upgrade the user experience. No more key management, just manage your wallet using natural language!


  • Gearbox Protocol documentation knowledge. Ask any question about gearbox protocol and it'll use what it learnt from the official docs to answer your questions
  • Live data and analytics retrieval. Ask questions like "What's the best paying strategy right now?" and GearboxGPT will give you a list of the top strategies ranked by APY and give you advice on which one to ape into.
  • Zero key/wallet management. Thanks to the new Gearbots, GearboxGPT does not manage any private keys nor does it need to. You can already see how this enhances security AND user experience tenfolds. Gearbots is a work of art.
  • Transaction handling. GearboxGPT runs your transactions for you. Tell it to allocate some ETH into a Convex strategy wit 10x leverage and boom, there it goes.

How it's Made

This project uses OpenAI's latest Assistant API to create a custom Assistant tailor-made for the Gearbox Protocol. It is equipped with knowledge of the entire Gearbox Protocol documentation as well as several function call information to retrieve various data about the protocol and perform transactions on users' credit accounts via gearbots (performing the transaction part is actually just mocked right now but with more time it should be very easy to setup). The telegram bot was built using an npm library called telegraf and was deployed on on node. The bot uses LiteFS to persist user info like the user's credit account.

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