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A multiplayer building game where players make a road. The road renders itself every week.


Created At

Autonomous Worlds

Project Description

This project explores the Autonomous World concept by creating a road that renders itself and expands as players add to it.

A mix of sokoban (box pushing) puzzle games and manual digital labor. Mine rocks, dig trenches, trap other players with stones, carry sludge, continue the construction. Every once in a while the road renders itself to Twitter, capturing the current game state, and documenting the progress of the players.

How it's Made

The game is built in Unity with the MUD framework. All the guts of the project were built with MUD and C# with boilerplate art and animations from an old Unity project.

Players move around on a grid which stores the states of Players and Rocks. Everything can be pushed or pulled, players may only move 2 spaces at a time unless they collide with an object.

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