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Gani Wallet

Gani Wallet is a cross-chain Account Abstraction wallet with modular security settings. You can trustlessly compose one-time passcode, password, guardian wallet, for different types of transactions.

Gani Wallet

Created At

ETHSanFrancisco 2022

Winner of


🥇 Hyperlane — Best Use

Project Description

Gani Wallet is an Account Abstraction wallet. With a non-EOA wallet framework based on smart contract, our wallet achieves native logical flexibility just like other AA wallet, but also solve 2 of the fundamental problems of AA wallets: high gas fee and difficulty to cross-chain: since all the wallet smart contract logics are executed on smart contract, it costs a lot of gas and you need to re-deploy the contract if you want to do transaction on other chains.

Cross-chain Architecture

We innovatively use a cross-chain mechanism to aggregate all the wallet verification logic to one chain and relay the verified transaction to other chains using Hyperlane. Thus, we can execute the wallet logic on a cheap chain while the actual transaction can be done on any other chain.

Gas Management

Usually, when you’re on Polygon and want to do transaction on another chain, for example Optimism, you need to manually bridge Eth to Optimism, which potentially costs a lot. Using our third-party gas payment mechanism, they can just pay gas fee on Polygon, and our third-party paymaster automatically pay for the transaction on Optimism, which dramatically reduce the gas fee and improve UX.

Composable Security

Our smart contract wallet has flexible verification methods to achieve balance between security and usability. The more money in your wallet, the more security check is needed.

Gani Wallet offers 3 types of security functions:

  1. Default user password
  2. Guardian wallet verification
  3. One-Time Passcode

Users can set, for example, if more than $1000 is being transferred, an additional signature from her hardware wallet is needed; if more than $5000 is being transferred, additional wallet signature as well as an One-Time Passcode are needed for the transaction.

How it's Made

Hacky points

  1. Cross-chain architecture of Account Abstraction Wallet To simultaneously solve the high gas fee + difficulty of crossing-chain problems of AA wallet, we innovatively use Hyperlane as the cross-chain transaction relayer to execute our transactions.

  2. One-Time Passcode (OTP) We are one of the first to implement the logic in the on-chain wallet verification process. Users will have another

  3. Composable security We innovatively proposes a framework for dynamic security setting based on user journey. Most of the current wallets, even the smart contract-based ones, have static security settings, assuming that users with $5 have the same security requirement as those having $5,000,000. Our dynamic security setting solves the user onboarding (by easy UX) and retention (by providing varied and inclusive security settings) problems.

Technologies used in the project

  1. Account Abstraction (EIP-4337) Our project utilizes the AA wallet framwork to achieve a much more flexible wallet structure that is fundamentally better compared with regular private key-based EOA.
  2. Hyperlane (sponsor) We achieve flexible and securre cross-chain transaction with the omni message relaying service of Hyperlane.
  3. Worldcoin (sponsor) We use worldcoin ID as an option to login to our wallet.
  4. Polygon (sponsor) Our main wallet verification logic is deployed on Polygon due to its low transaction fee and flexible framework.
  5. Optimism (sponsor) Our main wallet verification logic is also deployed on Optimism due to its low transaction fee and flexible framework. We also support Optimism as one of the destination chains.
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