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An on-chain competitive retro play-to-earn mini-games platform


Created At


Winner of

🏊 Worldcoin β€” Pool Prize

Project Description

GameDay is an on chain competitive retro play-to-earn mini games platform with features such as leaderboard which is decided on Xp points, GameDayToken airdrop to top players of the leaderboard on a weekly basis, NFT marketplace for Pac-Man/car lovers. To make the user experience effortless we made sure to let the user decide which chain he or she wants to choose. For example if the user wants to play+ nft marketplace, zora is the best option. If the user wants to just focus on the game, they can go for Base which has one of the best user experience or Optimism for low gas fees.

How it's Made

The project is made on next.js with typescript. We used turborepo to build pipeline to compile contracts and use the artifacts in the web app for contract interaction. We used solidity for contracts and compiled/deployed with Hardhat. Viem for interacting with chains - Optimism, Base, Zora and localhost. Wagmi and Rainbowkit - Wallet connection and intersection with smart contracts. Worldcoin-signin with Worldcoin πŸ”‘ to prevent bots from spamming and cluttering the leaderboard Zora πŸ”΅ - GameDay tokens and GameDay NFT deployed to Zora testnet because of the low gas fees to mint nft and the speedy transaction process. This chain is for the users who want explore not only games but also the NFTs. Optimism πŸ”΄and Base πŸ”΅- GameDay tokens and the treasury deployed to Base to cater to the users who only want to embrace a low cost chain interaction to play. Optimism is a powerful technology which will allow us to scale in future. Remix- to test the contract and it’s working on their Shanghai network.

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