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Game Plus

Create your own personalized AI avatar by contributing social media and gaming data

Game Plus

Created At

ETHGlobal San Francisco

Project Description

Our project utilizes user-contributed data from social media such as X and gaming platforms such as Steam to create a personalized AI avatar. Our goal is to create a virtual AI twin using consumer-related personal data owned and monetized by the user through Story's IP protocol. As users continuously generate and contribute data, we wish to create a perfect digital avatar, allowing businesses and other users to access the preferences and behavior of the AI avatar.

How it's Made

A WebApp based on NextJS and Reown, with the contract portion developed using Hardhat and Solidity. Utilizing the programmable IP capabilities provided by Story, it enables users to create digital agents that serve as their avatars in the digital world. These agents can act on behalf of users, simulate their interactions, and communicate with the external environment, effectively transforming the user’s avatar into an IP.

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