A game of racing turtles. Stake to play, bet to win (and bring chaos).
This project is a game developed in Unity. It is a multiplayer game that utilizes Netcode for Game Objects. The rules are simple:
This project uses Unity and Netcode for Game Objects to create a networking multiplayer game. It connects to a blockchain wallet so player can place their stakes and gamble at the finish line. Blockchain protocols are also necessary to make alterations in the forward key, but gas fees are currently a great deterrent to the game's success. Therefore, I believe it can thrive in Layer 2. I tried to use Metamask SDK for Unity, but I'm really not sure how to, since I'm new to the API methods of Ethereum. Besides, Unity Transport doesn't work for WebGL, so there's no alternative I can see to use both Netcode and Metamask SDK in Windows so far (I might be wrong. As I said, I'm just starting :)) I know Thirdweb has already great resources, I hope Metamask can catch up!