Easily set up trading strategies and optimise your portfolio performance using Gain Guardian.
Gain Guardian aims to democratize the use of trading strategies amongst non expert-traders.
In order to demonstrate feasibility, the proof of concept focuses on the implementation of a tiered take-profit strategy where users can set up a batch of limit orders to be executed at different strike levels/percentage of given asset.
Technical implementation failed, no working demo.
Goal was to leverage Cow Protocol and hooks execute a sequence of limit orders and/or other type of orders such as TWAPs, where subsequent orders would be triggered following the complete fulfilment of the first order in the sequence.
Pitch deck is available here : https://www.figma.com/slides/z2zCDNXBw6g9HGeB435nsn/EthBangkok?node-id=24-313&t=LK2Ca07FPgf2wlDN-1