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FusionwaveFight is fully onchain NFT Card style turn based PvP Web3 game


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Arbitrum - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Provides a complete onchain game experience, yet fun and interesting to play and with future implementation of Smart Wallets and Account abstraction will provide seamless onboarding and gassless transactions for an even smoother experience.


How it's Made

Wanted to integrate Smart Wallet/Account abstraction for easy onboarding, gasless transactions and multichain integration but the time absolutely did not permit to integrate everything, yet we were successfully able to integrate multiple chains by using ethersjs, creating a globalcontext provider and using chainIDs of respective chains. Wanted to create dynamic NFTs ie NFTs changing thier attributes after each round, didnt seem viable as per current EVMs, thus created randomisation using blocktime, etc as chainlink VRF was also not financially viable. Faced a lot of difficulties while deploying and verifing smart contracts, there were few minor code errors in hardhat config and coupled with high gas prices, made things very difficult. The mentors at various booths were very helpful in providing respective solutions.

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