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Fusion Leverage Bot

Telegram bot that allows you to submit leveraged limit orders using Fusion API and Aave

Fusion Leverage Bot

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

1inch Network - Build an Innovative Application on top of 1inch Network's Fusion API 3rd place

Project Description

Fusion limit orders are great in that they avoid expensive gas fees, frontrunning and AMM slippage. However, there is no current method to easily and in a user friendly UX take leveraged positions with limit orders.

By using a Telegram bot interface, we are able to allow users to easily take leveraged limit orders.


How it's Made

The largest issue I ran into was that Fusion API is not available on testnet. In order to test whether or not it worked, we had to spin up a burner mainnet wallet and test using real ETH and USDC.

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