Fundr is a crowdfunding platform that makes use of on-chain technology where users can get funding for their problems, hobbies, content and more. Fundr is not only is a crowdfunding platform, but it also rewards verified users through our raffle system and points based economy.
Fundr thrives to eventually become a platform that is uncensored and open source. With Fundr you are incentivized to support. We want users to be able to find and funnel funding where necessary. We want users to build communities around our site, somewhere they can upload progress and continue to receive support.
FUNDR first was developed with the front end first in Sveltekit and Typescript with a template, with interfacing and creating our own prototype ‘fake’ projects and iterations of a proof of concept.
Then, while working on the front end, we created a few simple prototype crowdfunding contracts in Solidity that move around msg.value.
After having a view of projects, projects section, and authentication in Metamask for a PoC, we then started working on IPFS (sponsor) implementation and contract interaction. We need to migrate metadata for contracts to IPFS, so FUNDR does not rely on a single intermediary and all data is distributed.
Ethers handles the contract invocation from the user side.
We also submitted to NounsDAO as FUNDR is intended to be a permissionless public goods platform encouraging and creating collaboration outside of crypto. Soon ERC 721, and 6551 (once it's fleshed out) will be available on FUNDR as well for projects.