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A smart contract that trade according to user defined price and real time price


Created At

ETHGlobal San Francisco

Project Description

This prj include both smart contract piece and a frontend

  1. It can take user defined price as input
  2. User can interact with the contract and set a new price
  3. It needs to read latest data from an oracle every 15 minutes
  4. If the real time price above is less than the user defined price, call uniswap contract to buy ethereum with usdc

How it's Made

This prj include both smart contract piece and a frontend The smart contract is written in solidity. The frontend is written using NextJS framework.

Key Elements User-defined price: A function that allows the user to set a price. Oracle integration: Use a Chainlink oracle (or another service like Chronicle) to fetch real-time price data. Uniswap interaction: Utilize Uniswap’s contract to swap USDC for ETH when a condition is met.

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