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No code service to deploy established templates of smart contracts and DApps . Users input custom parameters to determine how they want others to interact with your smart contract.


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Project Description

This project is aimed at providing a simple and efficient way to develop decentralized applications (DApps) using smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out with blockchain development, this service will assist you in building powerful and secure DApps.

Focus on the logic for your project this service handles on chain deployment and decentralization. This protocol harnesses the robust capabilities of the Ethereum blockchain to empower developers, businesses, and innovators to create, deploy, and manage DApps with unparalleled ease and flexibility.

Users input custom parameters to determine how they want others to interact with your smart contract. The tool on the back end encodes parameters and deploy contract instantiation transaction.

How it's Made

I deployed a smart contract which act as the contract factory upon user interaction it creates a new instance of commonly used ERC 721 implementation of the Bored Ape Yacht Club. Users use the front end UI in order to pass the parameters for their contract like max number of available tokens, data/media URI, interaction costs, project name and symbol. The front end UI then sends transaction which create their new contract instance.

I use etherjs to handle encode and decoding functions. I utilize IPFS to pin data/media objects to a decentralized network. I use the MetaMask SDK to handle all wallet interactions. For the Smart contract development I used solidity. For the front end UI I used pure Javascript, HTML, and CSS.

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