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FrameLicenser allows frame developers to claim ownership of their frames onchain, as well as monetizing the frames when other accounts seek to cast them themsevles


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Project Description

This project allows frame to register with a smart contract on the base blockchain to receive a custom id. When creating a frame developers can add this project as a middleware to protect all / some frame routes. When accessing such a route the tool will check the smart contract if the address linked to the poster fid (note: not the user interactin) is licensed to use this frame. If not it will redirect to a stub route with the option to license the frame for a pre-defined fee.

While this is a very basic implementation of this tooling it opens interesting possibilities for frames that require users to cast them.

How it's Made

Frame is build with frame.js, running on vercel. The demo frame uses a 3 frame setup:

  1. initial frame -> check license 2a) Stump frame, blocking interaction, allowing to register 2b) Continue the intended route.

Hardhat + remix for the contract, which is made from scratch and deployed on base sepolia for testing and the base network

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