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A simple fun use case: Farcaster frame your ethereum attested strava activity.


Created At

Circuit Breaker

Project Description

So, Farcaster frames happened and i was wondering what it would take to give the running channel the tools to share activities in a Strava way. Well, better than that: more creative, more fun, novel. Someone pointed me at and existing project that turn strava activities into attestations . I decided to build a tool to render images on the bases of attestation data to be used in frames. In a future version, designers and artists will add their data driven 'templates' / generative artworks and users can mint designed cards/artworks for their runs, activities. In this proof of concept i build a complete workflow from attestation + template to frame.

How it's Made

Technically not so exiting. The images are screenshots from a headless browser where a typescript visualisation can run. In this proof of concept that is rendered plain html and a d3.js graph. Like i said .. technically not so interesting. But i hope to cast my first frame in a few hours

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