
Folktrack is a framework of knowledge for agricultural businesses or producers on-chain!


Created At

ETHGlobal Bangkok

Winner of

Bitkub - Best dApp on Bitkub Chain 3rd place

Project Description

Folktrack is a framework of knowledge for businesses or producers that want to form a connection with the people who support them through a commitment to open, accessible information focusing in the SEA Region which has more than 800 million smartphone users and is a leader of mobile digitalization. The population is projected to increase to 66 percent of the world's population in the year 2030, and consumers in SEA tend to see the future positively.

According to the 2023 trend of Asia’s consumer behavior, (reference from that explores the new opportunities and innovative solutions to understand ‘What will the customers want next?’, , consumer expectations around information will accelerate further. That means end-to-end information about the products they buy, and real-time information about the services they use. Meanwhile, services such as Uber have accustomed consumers to tracking aspects of their engagement with brands in real-time.

This is not just about transparency. It is also about how consumers are getting more involved in production and delivery processes. Fueled by the rise of gig economies, P2P marketplaces and more, boundaries between producers and consumers are becoming increasingly blurry. That’s why consumers will not expect to passively receive information - they will expect their consumption to produce information that helps the brand improve what to do.

It is all about involving consumers, giving them access to information and integrating that into the entire consumption experience. Not just the information but connection and access to the people behind the product or service being offered.

Folktrack works on sustainable ways of marketing, How? “Old-fashion businesses’ way of marketing”

  • Allocating marketing budget intentionally increasing sales.
  • When the enterprise reaches profitability, do CSR to recover the bad image.
  • People/organization along the supply chain never has chance to update the its real time situation along the supply chain
  • Creating a strong branding to blind the loyalty consumer from truth.

“Sustainable way of marketing” By using Folktrack, enterprise can Emphasizing on truthful information storytelling by implementing the infrastructure from every single person behind products and services. Creating a platform for truthful information accessible by consumers. Spend less on marketing budget and let the automated user-generated content do its duty. Enable a secure way to open the brand’s data. People will buy your product because you (your supply-chain/value-chain) show them value from your transparent production.

How it's Made

This project uses Bitkub NEXT to authenticate user to access and commit supply chain knowledge on-chain. And committed data from any parties can be verified on the website and can check authenticity of the knowledge on chain via

The smartcontract is deployed on bitkubchain to ensure that agricultural data is securely stored and can be verifiable.

Frontend, we use jQuery, web3 and Bitkub NEXT SDK.

background image mobile

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