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FNS is based on the Filecoin domain name system developed by Filecoin


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

FNS is based on the Filecoin domain name system developed by Filecoin. With a distributed, open and scalable naming system based on the Filecoin blockchain. It's an online registry that links to DID addresses with easy-to-remember URLs that enables point to content in a Filecion smart contract.

How it's Made

We forked all the functions of the ENS domain name management system on the Ethereum chain to FEVM, hereinafter referred to as FNS. FNS contracts are implemented by solidity, including register domain name, change domain address, renew and other related domain name operation methods. At the same time, it provides rentPrices to query prices, and the valid query domain name is standardized or not, as well as the available query domain name is available or not, and some other basic functions .

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