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A transparent, crowdsourced sports betting platform on Flow's network utilizing smart contracts


Created At

ETHGlobal San Francisco

Winner of

Flow - Prize Pool for Developer Feedback

Prize Pool

Project Description

This project uses a combination of smart contracts and web2 frontend frameworks to design a onchain betting application that allows users to wage predictions on sports games, specifically football (NFL). We deployed smart contracts on Flow's testnet and enabled wallet integration. Users can also see the average price, their shares, and potential returns per bet. Additionally, we integrated a chatting feature where users on the platform can communicate regarding bets.

How it's Made

For this project, we used Solidity smart contracts deployed on Flow's testnet through hardhat. For the frontend, we utilized Next.js with shadcn components and rainbowkit for wallet integration. We used wagmi to connect the backend with the frontend. We implemented the odds by using a crowdsourcing model where the probability of an event happening was equivalent to the amount of money bet for this event. People's willingness to bet on an outcome directly correlates to the odds for that event.

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