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Implementation of the Swapping Tool with unique and demanded features for swapping NFTs and NFT collections


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of


🏊‍♂️ NFTPort — Pool Prize

Project Description

FlexiSwap is a universal Swapping Tool, which combines already presented features and introduces new ones.

We introduce:

  • Wish Lists. This will put the process of finding interested NFT on the new level;
  • Opportunity to swap several NFTs on several;
  • Opportunity to swap for ANY NFT from the NFT COLLECTION Enables users to list and swap NFT assets in one-for-one, many- for-one, and many-for-many fashion;

All trades can be accomplished by wish list or any user can create his/her counteroffer to already existing trade.

For our feature plans we are going to:

  • Implement multi-chain swapping;
  • Support tokens in the deals;
  • Support other NFTs standards;
  • Add more advanced filtering e.g. by NFT attribute;
  • Opportunity for automatic searching of interested NFTs on other NFT marketplaces;
  • Automatic deals matching;

Why we believe in FlexiSwap:

  • Opens up new possibilities for valuation and order types for NFTs;
  • Increase the overall market liquidity as it will provide a new way for collectors to interact;
  • Create new types of arbitrage opportunities for traders;

How it's Made

This project uses several parts to deliver the best UX. Trades are created and completed on-chain with FlexiSwap smart-contracts written in Solidity. Currently only ERC721 are supported, but we are planning to add support of ERC20 & ERC1155 in the future. All trades data are indexed with The Graph to provide an easy-to-use GraphQL API. NFTs metadata & ownerships are fetched from NFTPort. Also we have custom back-ends written with Nest.js for wrapping NFTPorts data to GraphQL and federate it with The Graph provided data. One last thing, front-end written with React.ja is fetching data from federated GraphQl API and writes data on-chain with ethers.js.

For our nearest plans, we want to get rid of GraphQL federation and compose GraphQL APIs directly on front-end with graphprotocol/graph-tools with composition API.

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