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No-code tool for creating instant checkout ecommerce frames. Flames if the fastest way to go from idea to income on Farcaster!


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Project Description

Flames if the fastest way to go from idea to income on Farcaster. Flames allows users to upload a photo of their product, set a price and wallet address to receive payments, and instantly have a cast ready link to share on Warpcast or any other Farcaster client. Flames makes it easy to tap into the community of users across the entire Farcaster ecosystem!

How it's Made

This project uses frames.js as a basis for composing and deploying frames as well as Dynamic for authentication and wallet recognition. By having a user log in with Dynamic, we are able to connect all of their past created Frames and show them analytics on how their frames have performed. Frames.js allowed us to get up and running quickly and dynamically create all user frames without hassle.

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