FitWifFrens, is a commitment device to encourage frens to stay fit or commit to a trackable task together.
Want to get fit? Back yourself with dollars at risk, you only lose when you fail to complete what you set out to do.
The project uses continuous staking pools with simple to check parameters to encourage consistent weekly discipline over the long run.
We link up an address with their unique social account id (strava id) and their (world id). Once a user verifies and commits a staked amount, the chainlink functions activate once at the end of each week to verify the results on against the api and process the distribution of rewards from users that failed uniformly with the users that succeeded in meeting their commitments.
Commitment examples are:
If a user is successful in completing their task for the week, their commitment stake is automatically rolled to the following week with the option of withdrawing their staked amount.
We used Blazor for the front end, Strava Authentication and world Id for verification and linking Deployed smart contracts for each of the commitment pools Used Chainlink functions for calling the commitment verifying API.
We hacked together the strava results response api as well, because we haf no enuf frens on strava on midnight on saturday