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FILzk-NFT is an abstraction layer NFT backed by Zero Knowledge Proofs for service provider's identities that any DataDAO can leverage.


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Project Description

A storage provider would not want his competitors to know about his service providing capabilities, at the same time he would want his users to know minimal required stuff or capabilities. So the FILzk-NFT allows the storage providers to create their identity of their storage service which they can list on market place and enter the bidding.

This contract can act as a tool for DataDAOs and Data Marketplaces on FVM.

How it's Made

The circuits required for generating zero knowledge proofs were written in Circom and the corresponding verification contract and NFT minting and marketplace contract were written in solidity and deployed on FEVM. The contracts were deployed using Remix IDE and Metamask was used for interacting with those contracts and carrying out the transactions.

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