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Filstake is a liquid Staking Pool primitive that allows Filecoin users to earn yield on their FIL by providing storage providers collateral for their operations


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Project Description

Filstake is a liquid staking pool primitive for: a) Filecoin Storage Providers to get Initial Pledge collateral to add new sectors to the network and earn additional rewards b) Filecoin users who want to earn yield on their staked FIL c) Future Filecoin DeFi projects like AMMs, Lending Pools, etc.

How it's Made

Here you can find a brief overview of how Filstake pools work

Filstake consists of three main components:

1. Liquid Staking Pool contract. This contract issues stFIL tokens in exchange for FIL tokens deposited by a user. stFil is an yield-bearing token.

2. Pool Manager. Off-chain worker + on-chain contract that can accept new miners and propose interest rate to them based on their performance

3. PoolLoanContract. This contract is created by Pool Manager for every loan approved for a miner. After it gets access to the Miner's actor Owner account and Beneficiary account, a loan amount can be pulled from Pool Contract by a Miner, so he'll be able to use it as an Initial Pledge Collateral. Here we've used MinerAPI.sol mock contract to work with owner and beneficiary addresses

We also made a UI prototype in Figma

It includes forms for staking/unstaking FIL and list of miners that joined to our pool

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