FilP2P is a Desktop app for general public to directly store file on filecoin
FilP2P is a file storage app built for general public so that they can use Filecoin storage as if they are using something like Dropbox. This project aims to increase adoption of Filecoin network to wide range of uses. FilP2P leverages file coin storage protocol underneath. The storage happens completely between the user and storage provider making the application purely decentralised. Entire app has no dependency on people who created it imply completely permissionless. With FilP2P user has the liberty to choose where they want to store their files, with whom they want to store their files and what price they are willing to pay.
We coded frontend on react and backend is coded on nodejs and golang. After development entire app is packaged using electron to create a working desktop app. Entire app works at user end including file transfer and there is no reliance of app on its creators. Thats what make it special.