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Fillion Creator Marketplace

An NFT marketplace for artists and creators on the FEVM network, it would allow artists and creators to upload their work, including art, music etc, on the platform which will be stored on the filecoin network, and users can come purchase these work from the creators.

Fillion Creator Marketplace

Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

The project is an NFT marketplace for artists and creators on the FEVM. This project allows artists and creators to upload their work on the platform which would be stored on the Filecoin network using Artists and creators have a profile where anybody could see a comprehensive bio about them, on their bio, artists could write about themselves, their life, things that inspire them to create the work they do and all that, so people can get to understand these creators and see why they do what they do and better relate to their art. These creators could be anybody ranging from artists, musicians, writers, poets, or any creator that can create collections containing NFTs, now these NFTs can be anything that could qualify as a creative body of work like music, art, written pieces, limited edition books etc and these creative body of work would be uploaded to Filecoin and stored in various collections.

For instance an artist can decide to create an album as a collection and sell rights on each song on the album. An artist can even decide to create a collection for an old album, and make them limited editions (this is possible since we are utilizing the ERC1155 token standard). Now this can create strong emotional ties that fans might want to be a part of. Now these NFTs on our platform mean more than just speculative investments. Users here aren't just buying art with the intention of holding to sell higher later in the future, our platform allows for the creator economy to monetize their art and even connect with their fans while promoting a form of culture between them and their fans, building something like a patron-artist relationship.

Our platform also aims to help artists sell their collections on the Filecoin network in a decentralized manner without any censorship, with them retaining full ownership of their work until they decide to sell it for a little fee and then ownership will passed unto the buyer. Users who buy art from our creators would also be able to sell them on our marketplace as well should they wish to do so.

We are utilizing filecoin’s decentralized storage using to effectively store these artists and creators data securely and persistently.

How it's Made

The project used the open zeppelin ERC1155 token standard to implement the collections. The factory contract handles the creation of every collection on the Fillion marketplace. One thing we added was to give Fillion Factory approval to enable users trade tokens on the Fillion marketplace.

The frontend part was built with react.js, javascript, wagmi, ethers.js and rainbow toolkit. Queries were made to the smart contracts which were deployed to the Filecoin blockchain.

All creators content are saved on Filecoin storage using to store and retrieve data. The Filecoin blockchain was really instrumental to everything about the front end.

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