Filfi is an open source liquidity agreement. With the help of FEVM, OpenZeppelin related contracts and upgrade components, a callable solution library of built-in miners and market API supported by Zondax, this protocol mainly implements lending services
The project uses Metamask's browser-based wallet to link to the hyperspace network, which switches over when the wallaby network stabilizes. We use react at the front end and smart contract solidity language at the back end. Based on the solidity API provided by Zondax, the contract and Filecoin built-in contract are opened. The project is compiled and deployed by hardhat. Because the owner address of miner node needs to be switched during the test process, we set up lotus node for testing. The interest rate model of the project is implemented with reference to Compound. Our whole team is dedicated to Web3. Previously, we developed a Data Cold Storage( and Web3 Cloud Drive( based on Estuary, which are now online for users to use.