FileDAG is a decentralized storage solution based on IPFS. It will provide high-quality and efficient IPFS Pin Service and customized network service based on customer requirements.


Created At

HackFS 2021

Project Description

FileDAG is a decentralized storage solution based on IPFS. It will provide high-quality and efficient IPFS Pin Service and customized network service based on customer requirements. An easy-to-use front-end user interface and a more developer-friendly API service will minimize the technical thresholds and make IPFS usable. The SDK will be available in the near future.

FileDAG can be regarded as one of the necessary technical components for the Filecoin retrieval market, and a part of the storage infrastructure for Web 3.0. Every file pined by FileDAG could be stored as a backup onto Filecoin through Web3.Storage, at the user's discretion.

Go-Datastore-Cluster is one of the most significant parts of FileDAG, which aims to gather FileDAG’s distributed key-value datastores into a cluster, to increase the function of data split, and improve the management of data in key-value datastores. It’s the storage layer of FileDAG.

In particular scenarios, the user wants to store a large amount of data on IPFS and backup a few copies on Filecoin. At this point, Go-Graphsplit, as a component of FileDAG, could be the right tool used for splitting large datasets into graph slices fit for making deals on the Filecoin network, which will streamline data retrieval.

How it's Made


  • IPFS for data sharing

  • Gin for API framework

  • PostgreSQL for service data storage

  • GRPC for internal service communication


  • Hash Slots for data sharding

  • Libp2p for data and information sharing

  • CRDT for the consensus model


  • IPLD for build or split file directory tree
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