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A playground & lending smart contract based on FVM in which can manage miner, accept deposit from user then send to miner for collateral, and distribute reward to users. Moreover, the smart contract support an upgrade governance implementation.


Created At


Winner of


🏆 HackFEVM Finalist


🏊 Filecoin — Pool Prize

Project Description

Currently we can only manage our Filecoin miner with its owner, and the owner can only be an account with private key. The private key will be hold by one or more people. Guys who have private can always be evil to the other party. This project will provider a playground for all Filecoin miner to let them convert their miner's owner to an contract address in which all actions to miner will be implemented. Moreover, when user send to the contract address, the money will be transfer to miner for collateral automatically. When the miner get reward, the contract will distribute the reward to all deposited users according to their amount ratio. The contract support upgrade, but it will be upgraded only when most of deposited users vote approved.

How it's Made

The project will be developed with FVM. Basically it's implemented with rust programming language. We'll provide a C/S version in which user can get all detail of his collateral; a PC playground tool like remix for user to easy create / convert their miner's owner to their contract address and do the hereafter actions; and a serverless version of browser extension to let user just create everything by themselves.

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