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NFT Marketplace deployed on FEVM Blockchain. It works on a listing basis, users can list any NFT on our platform (instead of minting NFT on our platform, which is generally a norm) by entering the NFT contract address, TokenID and Price.


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Project Description

NFT Marketplace deployed on FEVM Blockchain. It allows users to list any NFT on our platform (instead of minting NFT on our platform, which is generally a norm) by entering the NFT contract address, TokenID and Price.

From the seller perspective, my dapp allows users to List their NFT to Sell , Update the price of NFT, Remove their NFT. From the buyer perspective, my dapp allows users to Buy NFT from our platform.

It has multiple checks like do Seller owns the NFT she is listing, is NFT already listed and do buyer send enough tFil to buy the NFT.

P.S Smart contract/beckend part is completed. Couldn't completed frontend part due to the time constrain 😐.

How it's Made

This project uses "Solidity" as a smart contract programming language, "Hardhat" as a smart contract framework, "Openzeppelin" for ERC-721 contracts, "EtherJs" for fetching the Blockchain data, "NextJs" for creating Frontend and Project is deployed on "Filecoin Wallaby" Testnetwork.

Firstly created ERC-721 smart contract to mint NFTs on "Filecoin Wallaby" Testnetwork to check whether it will work or not. After created NFT Marketplace with all the features and check. Currently for some reason "safeTransferFrom" function not work on "Filecoin Wallaby" Testnetwork, remove this error by using "transferFrom" function instead of "safeTransferFrom" function. Used hardhat to compile and deploy smart contract. Used "EtherJs" to interact with smart contract on blockchain. "NextJs" to build frontend and "rainbow" kit for ease in wallet connect.

P.S Smart contract/beckend part is completed. Couldn't completed frontend part due to the time constrain 😐.

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