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FEVM Dapp Scaffold

A Next Scaffold app to get started quickly with frontend for Filecoin Dapps

FEVM Dapp Scaffold

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Project Description

FEVM is very new and the a lot of potential is to be unlocked using the dapps created on top of it. We would require quick starter templates and dev tools so that the devs can get their ideas shipped quickly. We created a NextJS boilerplate integrated with Web3Auth which allows users to create Filecoin Wallet Addresses using their social logins, this way they could be easily onboarded and can help them interact with your dapp.

Developers can get started with the boilerplate using simple npx command. The next steps for the project would be to make it more robust and compatible with more frameworks like React, Vue etc, which will help the developers.

Creating a simple CLI tool to choose easily between multiple templates would be the vision.

How it's Made

Currently it uses Glif libraries to interact with the Filecoin network. We are using the Glif Libraries for converting the eth addresses to the filecoin address, plus converting the values for between attofil and fil. We played around with glif/filecoin-message but were not able to integrate it in the time being. We will add more libs to make it easier for interacting with the Filecoin actors. we are using Web3Auth to create the wallets using the social logins and also simple npx command line creation tools to make it an easy to access boilerplate.

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