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faxx_ is a blockchain-powered platform that transforms the way we verify and interact with information in the digital age. It combines the transparency of blockchain technology with the power of crowd-sourced fact-checking to create a new paradigm for truth in media and beyond.

Project Description

Key features that set Faxx apart:

  1. Decentralized Fact-Checking: Users can submit claims or articles to be 'faxx-checked' (facts-checked) by the community, leveraging collective intelligence to verify information.

  2. Blockchain-Backed Credibility: Every claim, article, and fact-check is recorded on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and immutability of the fact-checking process.

  3. Multi-Dimensional Verification: Fact-checks can support, challenge, reject, or provide additional context to claims, offering a nuanced approach to truth. They must include resources where the faxx (facts) are based.

  4. User-Friendly Interface: A sleek, intuitive design makes it easy for users to submit claims, provide evidence, and navigate through fact-checked content.

Eventually we will add:

  1. Credibility Scoring: Users build reputation over time based on the quality and accuracy of their contributions, creating a self-regulating system.

  2. Rewards for successful faxx-checks.

By tackling the critical issue of misinformation in the digital age, Faxx has the potential to revolutionize how we consume and verify information online. It empowers users to actively participate in the fact-checking process, fostering a more informed and discerning online community.

How it's Made

We built Faxx using a combination of modern web technologies and blockchain infrastructure:

  1. Blockchain Integration:
  • Ethereum smart contracts, deployed on the Morph Holesky testnet, form the backbone of our decentralized fact-checking system.
  • We used Ethers.js to interact with the smart contracts from our frontend, enabling seamless blockchain transactions.
  1. Authentication:
  • Integrated Privy for user authentication, providing a smooth onboarding experience for both crypto-native and new users.
  1. Frontend:
  • React.js for the user interface, providing a smooth, single-page application experience.
  • Tailwind CSS for styling, allowing rapid UI development with a consistent design system.
  • React-MDE for the Markdown editor in the article submission form, enhancing the user experience for content creators.
  1. State Management:
  • Custom React hooks for managing application state and authentication status.
  • Smart Contract:
  • Solidity for writing the smart contract that handles article publishing and comment (fact-check) submission.
  • The contract is deployed at address 0xC2D03F42240b1F99914d4e2131Ca214f969cFB3c on the Morph Holesky testnet.
  1. Development Environment:
  • Used Remix IDE for smart contract development, testing, and deployment.
  • Used Fleek for deployment.
  • Used Cursor IDE for faster and AI-enabled coding.

Implementation notable aspects:

  1. Decentralized Storage: While not fully implemented in this version, we've designed the system with IPFS integration in mind for storing article content and evidence off-chain.
  2. Gas Optimization: We implemented a pattern where article IDs are auto-incremented on the contract to save gas costs when publishing new articles.
  3. Responsive Design: The UI is fully responsive, adapting seamlessly from mobile to desktop views.
  4. Error Handling: Implemented comprehensive error handling for blockchain interactions, improving user experience when network issues occur.
  5. Markdown Support: Incorporated Markdown rendering for article bodies, allowing rich text formatting in a lightweight manner.

Partner Technologies:

  1. Privy: Leveraged Privy for authentication, significantly simplifying the onboarding process and allowing us to focus on core functionality.
  2. Morph: Deployed our smart contract on the Morph Holesky testnet, benefiting from its compatibility with Ethereum tools and lower gas costs for testing.

Hacky/Notable Aspects:

  1. Dynamic ABI Loading: We dynamically load the contract ABI from a JSON file, allowing easy updates to the contract interface without changing the frontend code.

  2. Tag Processing: Implemented a clever tag processing system that automatically adds '#' to tags if not present, ensuring consistent tag formatting.

  3. Adaptive UI: The 'Add Faxx' form dynamically adjusts based on the current article context, streamlining the fact-checking process.

  4. AI-enabled coding. Used Cursor throughout the project to ensure consistency across edits and designs, and get new ideas.

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