This allows farmers to sell and re sell their crops directly without any intermediate
We are solving a major problem ,where farmer can sell goods directly to the customer and make huge profits.Our website works where no middle men involved like distributers where farmers can feel free by selling their vegetables and goods in our marketplace. This make easier to the farmers and customers which ease at a pace and simplifies major barriers like traditional flow to marketplace like farmers has to move to distributers ,logistics and then recieved to customers our solutions will drive to sell directly to the customers which can help farmers maximize their profits from the crops
When Any farmers sell their crops then then the RAAS job will be created. The dataset can now renew , repair when farmers want. The Podsi , CID and Deal is attached with the crop. The crops and all the details being upload on the lighthouse and from that we are fetching the CID.
For RAAS JOB we are using RAAS STARTER KIT. Which is running in background at localhost:1337
By PODSI Any farmers can check the status of the particular crops and decide whether they want to buy or not a/c to the health of the dataset/ crops.
They can check the Deal status of the particular crops, Storage provider and verify via the CID.
This is deployed on Fevm: 0xe299B584Fc16C9413c934d4fF9E3ca8c34e87771