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FarcaFrame -- Crypto-Backed Social Media Influencer Platform


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Project Description

Platform where influencers can earn crypto rewards for their content and engagement, leveraging Farcaster's protocol to enable seamless interactions between influencers and their followers. This could incentivize creators to produce high-quality content and engage more deeply with their audience.

How it's Made

This project uses setup environment --node, pinata, railway. React.js for front-end and used frames.js for creating interactive post,farcaster feed in Farcaster protocol mostly for content post and used airstack apikey in frames by running "npm install @airstack/frames" for integration . Used Pinata API key --command"npm install pinata-fdk dotenv cors" and airstack frames sdk ,access control gatewaykey for offchain IPFS storage mostly test NFTs and used Livepeer for Video streamline and video post. For wallet integration used coinbase wallet sdk "npm install @coinbase/wallet-sdk" and injected conector npm install @web3-react/core @web3-react/injected-connector and for video live peer- npm i @livepeer/react and created player component in src folder for react. Then created smartcontract in remix environment and for deploying used sepolia optimism testnet and for contract integration created separate file contractconfig.js import and use the ABI and address and contract function called in react. Backend used Airstack for onchain data fetching.

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