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An easy way to do crowdfunding onchain, thought for athletes. Why onchain? Because it allows for international, transparent, and fast payments. The cherry on top is the integration with Farcaster that allows to create communities around your cause.


Created At

Superhack 2024

Winner of

Blockscout - Use Blockscout Block Explorer!

Prize Pool

Base - Best apps built for payments on Base

Project Description

This project makes it possible for anyone to create a crowdfunding campaign, without paying any fees, and whilst being totally transparent and international friendly. The sweet touch is that it does all of this whilst inciting new users to join Farcaster, and get familiar with onchain transactions, without the complexity and costs that usually come with it.

This idea came to me when I noticed that a ton of athletes, at any level, in many sports, gravely suffer from being underpaid. (if you follow MMA closely, or even the Paris olympics, this should ring a bell!)

And whilst it's totally possible for those athletes to start a traditional crowdfunding campaign, it has many drawbacks :

  • the crowdfunding platform acts as an intermediary and holds the funds, sometime freezing the campaign for political reasons ==> permissioned
  • when a campaign is created for someone (but not directly by them), supporters have no way/garantee that the funds will end up in their favorite athlete's pocket ==> opaque
  • due to currency conversions, it can be hard and/or expensive to raise funds internationally ==> ineffective/costly

Seems to check all the boxes to be a good thing to do onchain don't you think?

Fairpay ("fair play", with a twist) goes hand in hand with Farcaster : the recipient of a crowdfunding campaign must own a Farcaster account. This allows for the athlete to actively communicate about their campaign, gather a community, and showcase their wallet address (either through the custody wallet or a verified one) in a way that's not possible anywhere else.

To recap :

  • offers a better permissionless/transparent/FREE crowdfunding for anyone
  • creates an appeal for athletes and public figures to join Farcaster and gather a community on that platform.

How it's Made

Fairpay is deployed on the blockchain Base (Sepolia testnet), and uses exclusively USDC. It has been developed using NextJS, and the official front-end library of Base : OnchainKit. OnchainKit is used for wallet interactions (here : Smart Wallet, for a better UX and account abstraction), as well as for a Farcaster integration through frames. The absence of fees and the smooth token approval UX is possible thanks to Coinbase's Paymaster & Bundler service, that allows to sponsor our user's transactions, and batch them together to make it all even more seemless for them.

Fairpay leverages Goldsky's subgraphs to display up to date data : latest donations on the page of a campaign, an a list of all recent campaigns in our "Explore" page.

In a constant focus of making the UX of our app as good as possible for newbies and experiences Web3 users, we decided to go with Blockscout as an explorer. Therefore, we use Blockscout to share the link to donation transactions after their completion, and to verify our smart contracts publicly in the clearest way possible.

Finally, as I mentioned earlier : we integrate with Farcaster to give users the best experience possible. This includes :

  • a Farcaster frame that allows to donate IN APP to a campaign that was shared online
  • a search bar in the campaign creation form, that allows to find the recipient of the campaign via their Farcaster username (uses Neynar's API in the background).
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